• Quit all other programs before loading Star Fighters (otherwise the game play will be a lot slower then it should be).
• Do not leave Star Fighters without quitting it, ie. don't leave it in the background.
• If you have a problem with Star Fighters reboot your computer and try again. If you still have a problem try rebooting with the extensions disabled. Finally give Star Fighters more memory. If none of that works, please feel free to write to me.
• To run Star Fighters at it's best speed, you will want QuickTime installed (most Macintoshes should already have this).
Star Fighters needs a Macintosh computer with a monitor of 640x480 pixels (color is preferable). You will also need about 3 megs of spare memory.
What's New
In version 1.02
• Improved the difficulty of the champion computer.
• Caps lock will now have no effect on the game.
• Extensions that alter the default system font (eg. Aaron) will no longer effect Star Fighters.
• In the one on one game it sometimes thought that the station was still there, not anymore.
• Past versions of Star Fighters would crash off a locked disk (like a CD), not anymore.
• Fixed the writing in the opening sequence.
• Now asks for you to register.
• The high scores now ask for your names, instead of listing just your score.
• More odds & ends.
In version 1.01
• Moved most of the graphics into the same picture resource.
• You can now choose one of five improvements for your ship.
• Added a Slick Software Logo.
• Lots of odds & ends.
In version 1
This was the initial release of Star Fighters.
Please write to me.
If you have any problems, or Star Fighters won't load contact me at (RMurphy@ruralnet.net.au), or at (2 Woodley Drive, Mildura, 3500, Victoria, Australia.)
Please write if you've got any suggestions for me.
For the lastest version of Star Fighters, come and visit my page at "http://www.ruralnet.net.au/~rmurphy/".